
The group's voluntary membership must be approved by the group. Independent members who do not belong to RADAR organizations may be accepted as members if they are privately involved in RADAR or have an interest in RADAR and SARIG believes they can make a valuable contribution. SARIG membership is open to non-South African citizens based in South Africa, provided all membership criteria have been met. They, however, will not partake in any sensitive activities that are deemed to affect South Africa’s national security.

Reutech Radar Systems develops innovative ground and naval search and tracking radar systems and radar-related solutions for National Defence Forces, mining and other sectors

Peralex is a leader in the design of cutting-edge hardware and software solutions for modern digital signal processing problems.

Armscor believes that its values constitute the building blocks of the manner in which it conducts its business.

The University of Pretoria (UP) is one of Africa’s top universities and the largest contact university in South Africa.